Our Story

Hello there! We’re a young couple that loves to eat 🙂

My and Gab eating
My and Gab eating

We moved in together in August 2019…and this is when I started to learn real cooking.

Before Meeting Gab: I never took time to learn how to cook

I say “real cooking” as my previous “cooking” looked more like throwing food in a pan with minimum seasoning. Examples of dishes I used to make were grilled vegetables with soy sauce, coconut sauce, salt and pepper, pan-fried salmon with sesame sauce or assembling smoked salmon with bread and cream cheese (if you can call this cooking). When I wasn’t cooking, I was eating my mom’s Vietnamese dishes. I never learned to cook Vietnamese food until moving in with him.

After Meeting Gab: I sought to get better at cooking everyday

Living with him made me want to cook the best meals for him, so I started to learn and would reach out to my mom for her Vietnamese recipes and tips. We often hear that nothing beats mom’s cooking; well, I’ve almost always found Vietnamese food at restaurants to be incomparable to what I could get at home. I’m glad to have a talented mom from whom I can learn Vietnamese cooking. I believe I’ve always wanted to cook but, this time, I have an incentive to make it happen: him.

Today: Cooking has become our main couple activity and I love it <3

Now, cooking has become our main couple activity; our kitchen is always a mess. Because we’re cooking so often, the idea came to us to start Taste Blossoms. You’ll be seeing recipes for dishes we enjoy eating: Asian, breakfast and brunch, easy and healthy dishes, as well as healthier versions of unhealthy food we like. Above all, we want to share with you our journey as a young couple who loves cooking and, especially, loves cooking together.

also known as @mtlpancakequeen on Instagram

Cherry Blossom

The Start of Our Journey

There is something particularly heart-warming about two people learning to cook together. I might be heavily biased, but it is that feeling that brought My and I closer and made me excited about this pet project of hers.

Gab and My eating
Gab and My eating
Yes, we made simple fish tofu with rice and broccoli,
but the picture says it all.

As a guy, when you’re starting in life on your own, it is very easy to take the simple route. Chicken with mashed potatoes (the one that comes dehydrated in a box) and boiled green beans have been my staple for longer that I’m willing to admit. My greatest innovation of these past few years has been to cook asparagus on an oiled pan with a little dried basil sprayed on top. I believe I’m due for a Michelin star.

It’s About Creating Something. Together.

It had never occurred to me that cooking would become one of my favorite activities. The process of setting out to make something delicious drives me to want to learn and experiment more and more every time. My always makes me laugh when she says she is trying to cook something “freestyle” – meaning she decided to completely ignore rules and recipe steps and going with her flow, following her intuition. Naturally, her pet project, Taste Blossoms got me excited. It was not only about cooking something, but also about sharing our trials and errors with the world, without pretense.

My came into my life at a time when I was eager to learn. Being almost done with University meant that I had a lot more time to care for the little things, the little moments. This is also how we’re building our relationship, on these little moments. Much like cooking, it is about caring and creating something beautiful together. This is what I love about cooking, about My and I, and this is what I believe is the best thing we can hope to share with you.



We are not chefs, we will never pretend to be, we’re just a young couple that loves to eat 🙂

    Reach out to us if you have any questions or suggestions on how we could improve our recipes!